Everyday Gemstones: DESIGN TO FESTIVAL- AGO > 2020
The Andean highlands are home to some of the most varied and vibrant gemstones in the world. While stone-carving in the Peruvian Andes is typically reserved for either traditional sculptures or jewelry, design studio D.A.R. Proyectos partners with neighbouring indigenous communities to re-imagine the possibilities for local materials. By transforming gemstones into classic laundry pins and puzzles, design lovers are exposed to a new world of luxurious yet relatable, everyday objects.
Focusing on sustainable, social innovation-based programming, D.A.R. Proyectos aims to breathe life back into ancient traditions and local materials. Prioritizing heritage in a quickly modernizing world is only possible when the products resonate with a global audience. By fusing contemporary design with skilled master-craftsmanship, a new window is opened which allows artisans to preserve livelihoods rich in cultural value.
As global citizens, our perception of value has been shifting from man-made to hand-made, appreciating the organic, and pursuing only products that bring intention and joy into our everyday. We invite you to join us at Shop AGO to learn about our social impact, our raw gemstones, and our favourite stone objects.
On Saturday, January 18, join D.A.R. Proyectos for coffee at 10:30am and a talk at 11am, followed by a meet-and greet for the balance of the day.
D.A.R. Proyectos stands for Desarrollo Artesanal Rentable Proyectos, which translates from Spanish to Sustainable Artisan Development Projects. DAR works with federal and international partners to help keep the magic of the Andean culture alive.